Nomination Deadline: November 1st

To recognize those persons who through their writing, research or other efforts have made outstanding contributions toward a better knowledge of, or appreciation of, the history and heritage of civil engineering, Trent R. Dames, F.ASCE, Past Vice President of ASCE, and member of the first Committee on History and Heritage of American Civil Engineering, and his wife, Phoebe L. Dames, contributed funds, the annual income of which is to be used for a Civil Engineering History and Heritage Award. The award was officially instituted by action of the Board of Direction in October 1966.

Recent winners

  • 2022: Dario A. Gasparini, Ph.D., M.ASCE

View all winners


  1. The name of the award is the Civil Engineering History & Heritage Award
  2. The award is made to recognize the recipient's, or in exceptional cases, not more than two recipients', contribution/s toward a better knowledge of, or appreciation of, the history and heritage of civil engineering.
  3. The award is not restricted to members of the Society.
  4. The award may be made annually and may not be made to the same person more than once.
  5. Posthumous awards will not be made, except if the nomination was submitted before the nominee's death.
  6. Nominations should be submitted to the Honors and Awards program office by November 1 for consideration by the History & Heritage Committee. Any person (or organization) may submit a nomination, however submittal of the nomination through the Section Committee on History & Heritage, which has jurisdiction over the locale in which the nominee resides, is encouraged. Nominations may also originate within the History & Heritage Committee.
  7. The History & Heritage Committee shall recommend the recipient, or recipients, if any, to the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction for final action.
  8. The award shall consist of a plaque and honorarium determined annually by and subject to approval of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction based on the income from the award endowment.
  9. The award is normally presented at the Society's Annual Convention.


To nominate, submit the following:

You can submit your nomination electronically to, or by mail to:

ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191