Eligibility for Society-wide Competitions
Invitations to Student Symposia and ASCE Student Civil Engineering Championships/Society-wide Competition Finals are a privilege, not a right. Failure to act professionally can result in letters of reprimand, mandatory behavior management plans, and loss of invitations to further competition for individual institutions and/or entire conferences.
Eligibility for Student Symposium Competition
The following qualifications are required of all ASCE Student Chapters to compete at the Student Symposia Competitions:
An ASCE Student Chapter must:
1. Be in good standing with ASCE:
a. Have paid their annual dues, as received by ASCE, no later than February 1, 11:59 p.m. EST.
b. Have submitted their student chapter full Annual Report or EZ Annual Reporting Form no later than February 1, 11:59 p.m. EST.
Eligibility for ASCE Society-wide Competition Finals
The following qualifications are required of all ASCE Student Chapters in order to advance to the ASCE Society-wide Competition Finals:
An ASCE Student Chapter must:
1. Be in good standing with ASCE:
a. Have paid their annual dues, as received by ASCE, no later than February 1, 11:59 p.m. EST.
b. Have submitted their student chapter’s full Annual Report, no later than February 1, 11:59 p.m. EST and have received a minimum score of 40 points out of a possible 100. Student Chapters that submit an EZ annual reporting form do not qualify to advance on to competition finals; and
2. Attend and participate in their assigned Student Symposium as shown through their school's:
a. On-time attendance and active participation by a member of the ASCE Student Chapter at the Student Symposium Business Meeting.
b. Participation in the Student Symposium Paper Competition, including submission and presentation by a member of the ASCE Student Chapter. Note that any papers/presentations created for any other competition do not count as an entry into the Student Symposium Paper Competition.
Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to [email protected].