Recent Shark Attacks Are Worrying Beach-Goers, Yet Experts Say They’re Very Rare
There were only 57 unprovoked bites last year, and five of those were fatal, according to University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File.

Why Are Sharks Attacking More People Than Ever in Hawaii?
Marine biologists have been studying the clash of humans and sharks since two people were killed off the coast of Maui in 2013.

Shark Warning Signs Posted Near Bellows
Two 8- to 10-foot-long sharks are seen thrashing in waters off Windward Oahu.

Hawaii Shark Expert to Keep Job Despite Child Porn Conviction
Randy Honebrink has been a go-to source on shark attacks for local media for several years.

Another Shark Sighting Closes Maui Beaches
It’s the third time this week in murky waters due to all that rain from Hurricane Ana.