The state House incumbent defeated challenger Corey Rosenlee by a mere 11 votes.
Rejecting a lawsuit against Hawaiʻi election officials, the state’s highest court on Friday said state Rep. Elijah Pierick prevailed in the 2024 race for District 39.

Pierick, a Republican representing Royal Kunia, Village Park, Honouliuli, Ho‘opili and a portion of Waipahu, edged Democratic challenger Corey Rosenlee 4,712 votes to 4,701.
In his challenge to the results, Rosenlee alleged mistakes by Honolulu City Clerk Glenn Takahashi in reviewing signatures on return identification envelopes and in securing and monitoring in-person voting lines, among other things.
Rejecting a voter’s signature as deficient amounted to an equal protection and due process violation, Rosenlee argued.
The court determined in its ruling that Rosenlee did not prove his case, and that Pierick won a majority of the votes and so should be certified the winner by state Chief Election Officer Scott Nago.
With Pierick’s win, there will be nine Republicans in the House out of 51 members. That’s the most GOP representatives in at least 20 years.
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About the Author
Chad Blair is the politics editor for Civil Beat. You can reach him by email at or follow him on Twitter at @chadblairCB.