Honolulu’s Dying Palms To Be Replaced With This New Tree — For Now
The city begins felling the first of 80 trees marked for removal on the North Shore.

Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles Deal Fatal Blow To Hawaii Palm Trees
Dozens of infested coconut trees have been marked for removal on Oahu’s North Shore. Will they be replaced?

Help Fight Little Fire Ants During ‘Stop The Ant Month’
Little fire ants have plagued the islands for years. Now the state is calling on residents to help in the war against the insects.

Hawaii’s Popular Kalalau Trail Reopens After Norovirus Outbreak
The area’s popular cave will stay closed, however, because fecal matter was found there as part of the testing and cleanup.

Maui County Debates A Return To Using Pesticides At Parks, Golf Course
Parks officials say a 3-year old ban on the chemicals has been tough to implement.

Navy Plans To Double Bombing Of This Tiny Hawaiian Island
Ka’ula is vital to maintain military readiness for the Pacific, the Navy says. But its plan to boost training there alarms the community, environmentalists.

Maui Mayor Convinces State To Back Off Long-Term Water Plan
Mayor Richard Bissen wants put an end to the water wars that have divided Maui for decades.

Hawaii Has Gone Down Under For Invasive Species Advice – Again
Lawmakers and state workers returned from a five-day tour of New Zealand’s biosecurity facilities armed with lessons on strengthening Hawaii’s defense against beetles and ants.

Maui’s Contentious Water Saga Is Bubbling Up This Week
The state Board of Land and Natural Resources is considering granting a 30-year water lease in East Maui, possibly to a single large private company.

Turtle Bay Developer’s Execs Were Part Of A Global Company With A Questionable Environmental Record
The company building residential units near Turtle Bay was founded in 2020, but many of its execs worked for years with Discovery Land Co., a global resort builder.