Danny De Gracia: It’s Time To Pressure Hawaiʻi Lawmakers To Make Real Change
The public is fed up with the political and economic status quo. It’s time to channel that rage into pushing for change in the upcoming legislative session.

Tulsi Gabbard Through The Years: What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Say what you will about the former congresswoman, she’s always made for good copy.

The Sunshine Blog: Bidding Aloha To James And Rose, Kauai’s Avatar Anchors
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ethical leadership in Hawaii.

Richard Wiens: Use Surplus Budget Funds To Pay For Overdue Government Reform
Making investments now would pay big dividends by creating a more functional Legislature.

The Sunshine Blog: Mike Gabbard For Governor?
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ethical leadership in Hawaii.

Beth Fukumoto: Thank You For Voting. I Almost Didn’t
Your voice is part of something larger than any single election.

For Me, Voting In Person On Election Day Is About Culture, Not Politics
For minority communities voting hasn’t always been easy. The patriotism to go to the polls was passed down to modern generations.

The Sunshine Blog: Campaigning For A Candidate In A Senate Office Is A No-No
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ethical leadership in Hawaii.

With Hawaii Civic Engagement At A Crossroads, Let’s Use AI For Good
When used thoughtfully, AI can add significant value to institutions and to the business of government.

Richard Wiens: Four States Are Voting On A Better Way Of Voting
Hawaii has only dabbled in a ranked-choice system that requires a winner to get a majority of the ballots cast.