Kendrick Chang
Kendrick Chang is a senior at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and grew up in East Oahu. At GWU, he is a political communication major in the School of Media and Public Affairs and president of the Hawaii Club. He is also a youth advisor for the Livable Hawaii Kai Hui and a member of the Save Ka Iwi Coalition and the Hawaii Kai Lions Club.

When Voting On ConCon, Consider Today’s Political Climate
Things are very different today as compared to during the 1978 Constitutional Convention.

Working To Save The Ka Iwi Coastline
Ka Iwi preservation perpetuates a community’s legacy for its next environmental stewards.

Youth Election Offers Perspectives For 2017 Legislature
Lawmakers should pay attention to young voices especially on issues that will last for decades.

A Millennial Take On Two Honolulu Charter Amendments
Proposals to increase term limits for city officials and cap the time that affordable housing stays affordable should be rejected, this writer says.

No Scapegoat, Don Horner Earned His Departure From HART
A skilled bank executive with years of private-sector experience from the private sector, Don Horner failed to adjust his style in his capacity as a public servant.

We Need More Democracy In Our Public Boards
This commentary was a finalist in Civil Beat’s Emerging Writers contest.

Youth Involvement Critical In Saving Ka Iwi Coast
No one has a greater stake in preserving what’s left of southeast Oahu’s open space than the people who will enjoy it for decades to come.

School Community Councils Allow Students a Voice in Hawaii Education
Local councils can have input just at their school as well as on a statewide level.

A High School Student’s Reflection of the 2014 Elections
I made a difference that I could live up to and grow from instead of watching from the sidelines to wait for the votes to get counted.