Elected Technical Region Director

Portrait of LeAnne Napolillo. Woman with brown hair wearing a dark blazer smiling at the camera.

Vision statement

Having been involved in ASCE since my university days at Kansas State University, my diverse background as an ASCE volunteer has included leadership roles in Student Chapter, Branch, Section, Institute and Society levels. Through this experience, I have gained an understanding of both the ASCE geographic regions and institutes. My vision is based on strengthening relationships between the geographic regions and the institute communities at all levels, improving member satisfaction among ASCE volunteers. In alignment with ASCE’s Strategic Plan, there are multiple opportunities to strengthen relationships and provide connections between the ASCE geographic regions and institute communities:

Technical programs and events provide opportunities to enhance collaboration between Student Chapters, Branches, Sections, Regions and Institutes:

  • Sharing technical knowledge is the heart of the Institutes, and we need to continue to focus on delivering quality programs, publications, events in order to bring value to our members.
  • Conferences provide great opportunities for collaboration between institutes, as well as collaboration between geographic regions and institutes.
  • Webinars – the virtual aspect of webinars provides an easy forum for technical subject matter experts to present information remotely to geographic regions or student chapters.
  • Institute Board and Committee meetings can be held in conjunction with Section or Student Chapter events to allow for more diverse participation in both events. Co-hosting events with Student Chapters or Younger Member Forums is also a great way to support and mentor future ASCE leaders.

We need to continue to identify and promote opportunities to share information and best practices:

  • The Technical Region Board of Governors meetings have been a great avenue to share best practices amongst the institutes.
  • The Leader Training Committee provides webinars and training sessions, including the Workshop for Section, Branch and Institute Leaders to share best practices between geographic regions and the institutes.
  • The Multi-Region Leadership conferences are a wealth of information for upcoming ASCE region and institute leaders to gain knowledge about the Society while also interacting with younger members and students.

Advocacy and education: I believe we all have a responsibility to advocate so that elected officials and the public at large take action to improve and modernize our nation’s infrastructure.

  • The Legislative Fly-Ins and Drive-Ins are examples of activities that both provide an opportunity for engagement and an opportunity to teach our members about public policy efforts. It is important for both regions and institutes to support and participate in these events.
  • The Infrastructure Report Card is a great resource for raising awareness among decision-makers and the public on the need for infrastructure investment. Although historically the Report Cards are prepared through and associated with the geographic regions, we need to continue to educate our institute members on how to use local and national Report Cards as an advocacy tool.

Through all of these and other opportunities, we should remember that our future leaders will likely cross paths between geographic regions and institutes. We should continue to strive to avoid divisions within the geographic regions and institutes but instead collaborate as possible for a more cohesive member experience.

I am excited about and look forward to the opportunity to serve as Society Director.

Biographical statement


  • IMS Industrial Engineering, University of Houston, 1999
  • BS Civil Engineering, Kansas State University, 1994

Certification and licenses

  • Professional Engineer, Texas

Work experience

  • HNTB Corporation, 1994-present
    • Vice President
    • Project Director
    • Houston Office Operations Manager

ASCE involvement

Society level

  • Board Member, Construction Institute, 2013-present
  • Member, Leader Training Committee, 2020-2021
  • Construction Institute 2015-2018
    • Vice-President
    • President
    • Past President
  • Member, Task Committee on Committee Restructuring, 2010
  • Legislative Fly-In, 2010
  • Member, Committee on Younger Members, 1999-2003
  • Co-Chair, Houston National Conference Sponsorship Committee, 2001

Local level

  • Texas Section
    • Co-Chair, Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON), 2014-2016
    • VP-Education, 2010-2012
    • Section Director, Houston Branch, 2008-2010
    • Co-Chair, Texas Section Meeting, Fall 2004; Fall 2009
    • Advisor, CECON, 2017-present
    • Chair, CECON Site Selection Committee, 2014; 2016; 2017; 2021
    • ASCE Texas Section Legislative Drive-in, 2019
  • Houston Branch
    • Co-Chair, Houston Infrastructure Day (I-Day), 2010
    • President-Elect, President, Past-President, 2005-2007
    • VP-Administration, 2004
    • Secretary, 2003
    • Branch Director, 1999
    • Treasurer, 1997
    • Younger Member Committee Chair, 1996

Other volunteer activities

  • Board Member, North Houston Association, 2021-present
  • Board Member, Christus Foundation for HealthCare, 2019-present
  • Facilitator, Leadership HNTB-Houston, 2017-present


  • Texas Section Award of Honor, 2021
  • Texas Section Professional Service Award, 2018
  • Houston Business Journal, Women Who Mean Business, 2018
  • Texas Section John A. Focht, Jr. Citizen Engineer Award, 2014
  • Houston Branch Award of Honor, 2012
  • National Edmund Friedman Award Recipient, 2005
  • Houston Branch Edmund Friedman Award Recipient, 2002
  • ASCE Fellow