ASCE student members enjoy free access to internships, scholarships, job boards, mentoring, networking opportunities, and special programming. Everything you need to jump into civil engineering and make the most of your college experience.
Already a member? Don't forget to renew!
- Search and be searched by employers all over the country with our Internship portal.
- Explore hundreds of professional job postings
- Exchange knowledge and resources with other young engineers all over the world.
- Professional development assistance
- StAR Fund
- Undergrad scholarship opportunities
- Graduate student fellowships
- Connect to research, textbooks, graphs, calculators, videos, and custom tools with AccessEngineering.
- Ongoing elearning webinars
- Free Institute membership
- Join or start a Student Chapter to meet like-minded students, compete in engineering challenges, and enjoy a wide range of events and networking opportunities.
- Find out about starting a graduate student chapter.
- Apply to be one of our Collegiate New Faces of Civil Engineering for a chance at a cash scholarship.
Download this handy reference guide to the full range of ASCE student member benefits and resources.