Nomination Deadline: November 1st

The Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award was established in 1998 by the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers to honor Walter P. Moore, Jr. in recognition of his dedication to and technical expertise in the development of structural codes and standards. The award consists of a plaque presented at Structures Congress.

Recent winner

  • 2023: J. Greg Soules, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng, S.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE

View all winners


  1. The award is made annually to a structural engineer who has demonstrated technical expertise in and dedication to the development of structural codes and standards. The contribution may have been in the form of papers, presentations, extensive practical experience, research, committee participation or through other activities.
  2. Not more than 1 award is made each year unless the achievement upon which the nomination is based is considered to be the joint achievement of more than one person.
  3. Nominations may be submitted by anyone.
  4. The Executive Committee of the Codes and Standards Activities Division of SEI recommends the recipient, if any, to the Board of Governors of SEI for final action.


Submit a nomination