Kirstin Downey: Buried At Punchbowl For 40 Years, Her Family Wants Her Home
The man who murdered Lindsay Tyson remains her legal next of kin. Now a federal judge will decide if her brothers have legal rights to her remains.

Neal Milner: Illegal Fireworks Won’t Stop Until Neighbors Take Action
Tougher laws won’t do the trick. It’s time to approach fireworks the same way we do public health education.

Danny De Gracia: People Won’t Obey Fireworks Laws Unless They’re Enforced
If we want to prevent the use of illegal fireworks, we have to give the city tools to lay down the law. That means more funding, arrests and timely court processing of cases.

Kirstin Downey: Hawaiʻi Depends On Postal Service For More Than Mail Voting
A lost ballot is annoying enough, but perhaps our elections are too intertwined with a service that could end up being privatized.

Neal Milner: The Pope Has A Message For Lahaina — Don’t Give Up
A new long-term plan to rebuild Lahaina is likely going to change. Residents need to be persistent and flexible.

Danny De Gracia: Privilege And Power Dynamics Are Why Hawaiʻi Isn’t Working
Advancing equity Is harder to do and more important than you may realize.

Beth Fukumoto: 6 Ways Legislators Can Make Life Better In Hawaiʻi
Sitting on a budget surplus, lawmakers need to make some down-payments on these initiatives.

Update From The Editor: Honolulu Civil Beat’s Ambitious Plans For 2025
Looking forward begins with looking back — and by any measure 2024 was a stellar year for our newsroom. Here’s a glimpse into some of our exciting initiatives for the year ahead.

Danny De Gracia: News Media Has A Responsibility In Lawmaking And Democracy
It’s not just our elected officials who need to shape up. Journalists frustrate democracy when they don’t provide details on how to take civic action.

Kirstin Downey: ‘It Needs To Look Like Lahaina Again’
Front Street property owners are anxious and angry that Maui County seems to be stalling on granting permits that would allow them to rebuild their homes and businesses.