Danny de Gracia
Danny de Gracia is a resident of Waipahu, a political scientist and an ordained minister.
Danny holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and minor in Public Administration from UT San Antonio, 2001; a Master of Arts in Political Science (concentration International Organizations) and minor in Humanities from Texas State University, 2002.
He received his Doctor of Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary in 2013 and Doctor of Ministry in 2014.
Danny received his Ordination from United Fellowship of Christ Ministries International, (Non-Denominational Christian), in 2002.
Danny is also a member of the Waipahu Neighborhood Board, a position he’s held since 2023. His opinions are strictly his own.

Danny De Gracia: People Won’t Obey Fireworks Laws Unless They’re Enforced
If we want to prevent the use of illegal fireworks, we have to give the city tools to lay down the law. That means more funding, arrests and timely court processing of cases.

Danny De Gracia: Privilege And Power Dynamics Are Why Hawaiʻi Isn’t Working
Advancing equity Is harder to do and more important than you may realize.

Danny De Gracia: News Media Has A Responsibility In Lawmaking And Democracy
It’s not just our elected officials who need to shape up. Journalists frustrate democracy when they don’t provide details on how to take civic action.

Danny De Gracia: It’s Time To Pressure Hawaiʻi Lawmakers To Make Real Change
The public is fed up with the political and economic status quo. It’s time to channel that rage into pushing for change in the upcoming legislative session.

Danny De Gracia: Newly Elected? Here’s How Not To Be Corrupted
Anyone can run for office, but not everyone wins. Those who made it have a responsibility to work as agents of reform and positive change.

Danny De Gracia: We Have To Protect Public Education
Public education has an increasingly valuable role in holding the line for America’s institutions, values and collective knowledge.

Danny De Gracia: Tough Times Require Neighbors Who Look Out For Each Other
Stress and burnout are increasingly wearing down people. This holiday season, be especially vigilant for ways to support the mental health of those around you.

Danny De Gracia: Ballot Questions Are The Test We Haven’t Studied For
Proposed amendments to the state constitution and county charters require background research most don’t have time to do.

Danny De Gracia: Life In Hawaii Doesn’t Have To Cost This Much
In just three years, a household’s monthly costs have shot up $1,200 for the same goods and services. It’s time for policymakers to intervene.