Mike Gabbard
Mike Gabbard is a state senator representing District 20 (West Oahu) and is chair of the Agriculture and Environment Committee.

Worker Co-ops Can Lead The Way To A Healthier And More Just Economy
Co-ops operate in the spirit of laulima, or many hands working together with aloha.

Victory (Lanakila) Gardens: A Way To Thrive During A Crisis
To be pro-active and self-sufficient, the people of Hawaii should grow more of their own food.

We Must Act Now To Save Endangered Wildlife
The author introduced a bill, now close to final passage, that would ban trafficking in Hawaii of parts or products made from endangered wildlife species.

It’s Time To Fix The Hawaii State Capitol Reflecting Pools
The latest estimate puts fixing the 45-year-old pools at $15.2 million. But it doesn’t have to cost that much if we find creative solutions.

Everybody Must Get Hemp
In many ways, hemp is like a miracle crop and yet we can’t grow it in Hawaii because it is related to marijuana. That needs to change.